Salta, Argentina, Denmark Travel Guide : Food, hotel, Cost, Weather & geography, History, language, culture, things to see and do and how to reach

You can find about travel advice such as public places & services, best restaurants, activities, sightseen and other key facts of the Salta, Argentina.

Salta is the capital and most populous city in the Argentine province of the same name. With a population of 618,375 according to the 2010 census, it is also the 7th most-populous city in Argentina. The city serves as the cultural and economic center of the Valle de Lerma Metropolitan Area, which is home to over 50.9% of the population of Salta Province and also includes the municipalities of La Caldera, Vaqueros, Campo Quijano, Rosario de Lerma, Cerrillos, La Merced and San Lorenzo. Salta is the seat of the Capital Department, the most populous department in the province.

Foods in Salta :

Weather & geography in Salta :
Salta is one of the warmest region in Argentina with an average daily high temperature of 27 degrees centigrade. With a yearly average of 27 degrees the climate is very warm, but has only a very few tropical and humid months.

Per day Cost in Salta :
You should plan to spend around AR$6,643 ($70) per day on your vacation in Salta, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, AR$2,256 ($24) on meals for one day and AR$2,763 ($29) on local transportation.

History of Salta :
Salta was founded on April 16, 1582 by the Spanish conquistador Hernando de Lerma, who intended the settlement to be an outpost between Lima, Peru and Buenos Aires. The origin of the name Salta is a matter of conjecture, with several theories being advanced to explain it.

Language in Salta :
Argentine Sign Language
de facto Spanish
Araucano, Guaraní, Quechua

Culture of Salta :
Originating in the Spanish colonial era of the 1500s, the music scene of Salta is often referred to as criolla: a melding of Spanish and indigenous ancestry.

Things to see in Salta :
(1) Cuesta del Obispo
(2) MAAM - Museo de Arqueologia de Alta Montana de Salta
(3) Salinas Grandes
(4) Anfiteatro Natural
(5) Cerro San Bernardo
(6) Virgen de los Tres Cerritos
(7) Train to the Clouds
(8) Salta Tram (Teleferico)
(9) Museo Güemes
(10) Virgen del Cerro
(11) Cathedral of Salta
(12) Basilica Menor San Francisco

Hotel in Salta, Argentina, Denmark :
(1) La Merced del Alto

(2) Legado Mítico Salta

(3) Estancia El Bordo de las Lanzas

(4) Patios de Cafayate

(5) El Cortijo Hotel Boutique

How to reach in Salta :
Airplane is one of the most common ways to get to Salta. Interconnected with Buenos Aires, having flights on daily basis (during high season, even more than one), and also with other destinations of the country: Cordoba, Jujuy and Tucumán

Travel Guide for Salta : Food, Cost, Weather & geography, History, language, culture, things to see and do and how to reach. – Published by The Beyond News (Travelling).